Feeling the Post Summer Break Blues ?

Feeling a little resistance as you manoeuvre your way back into work mode after the summer break?

With a hybrid work model in operation in many organisations now, the numbers going into the office environment over the summer months have been low. Holiday mode has been palpable for weeks. From what I am hearing, this and next week are prime weeks to get serious again. But for many, it’s not that simple. The brain resists change, that is what it is designed to do, keep us safe in the familiar, in our comfort zones, so of course stepping up a gear and reigniting that passion and enthusiasm that feels like a distant memory, can bring feelings of fear, resistance and self-doubt.

If you are feeling any of these emotions as you think about months ahead, you are not alone.
Here are a few simple tips to help overcome those post-summer break blues and get your mojo back for the months ahead.

1.     Reflect on your achievements earlier in the year. Remind yourself why you are in the role you are in, and what you bring to it. Acknowledge your successes and wins to date. This will help conquer any self-doubt that may be hanging over you.
2.     Before diving headfirst into your work routine, take a moment to reflect on the highlights of your summer break.  Print off your favourite photograph and place it on your desk. Bring those positive emotions with you into your workday.
3.     Prioritise what you would like to achieve over the next couple of weeks and break down the steps to getting you there. Set yourself realistic goals and frontload your day with the more challenging tasks. Celebrate any wins or accomplishments as they happen, no matter how small.
4.     Now is a great time to bring in one new habit that will support your wellbeing as we move into the autumn months. Keep it small, it could be as simple as a breathing technique, short meditation or morning walk to start your day. The important thing is to be consistent and choose something that is meaningful to you.
5.     Connect with your colleagues, the brain is wired for connections and no doubt many of your colleagues will have similar feelings, so you will have lots of conversations openers.

With a little reflection, goal setting, and a growth mindset, you can conquer the fear and resistance that often accompanies the post-summer return to work. Beginning your day with a positive wellbeing habit that uplifts you, is a great place to start. For me nothing beats the early morning walk in the park, to the sound of the birds and the sight of the 40 shades of green.

How about you?


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